15. Connection to the Movement: Interview with Dr. Ashley Garrin

For our fourth episode in our Costume Society of America series, Joy and Dana interviewed Dr. Ashley Garrin about African-American hair and identity during the Civil Rights Movement. Dr. Garrin recently earned her PhD from Iowa State University and conducted multiple oral histories from local African-American women for her thesis and CSA presentation. Dr. Garrin is now assistant director for Iowa State University’s MacNair program, which assists first-generation and underrepresented college students achieve doctoral degrees.

Ashley Garrin, Phd Thesis: lib.dr.iastate.edu/cgi/viewcontent…168&context=etd

Iowa State University McNair Program: www.mcnair.iastate.edu/

Byrd, Ayana and Lori Tharps. Hair Story: Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America. New York: St. Martin's Griffith, 2014. 