18. Interview with Keren Ben-Horin on The Sweater: A History

Jasmine and Joy talk to Keren Ben-Horin about her latest book “The Sweater: A History.” She collaborated on "The Sweater" with co-authors Jane Merrill, and Gail DeMeyere. We chat with Keren about her contributions to the book, the significance of the sweater, and some of her knit-wear favorite designers.

**This was a Skype interview there were technical challenges

The Sweater is available where all books are sold
Demeyere, Gail Jane Merrill, and Keren Ben-Horin. The Sweater: A History. Schiffer Fashion Press: Pennsylvania, 2017. www.amazon.com/Sweater-History-J…ill/dp/076435261X


You can find Keren at:
Her blog: 

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Image credit: Cover. Pelt Collection by Julia Ramsey. Photographer Xi Sinsong

Dana Goodin